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Physical address:

401 Railway Street, Wimbledon, ND 58492

Mailing address:

301 Center Street, PO Box 223, Wimbledon, ND 58492

Nearest Airports:

Jamestown – 30 miles from Wimbledon Fargo Hector International Airport – 98 miles southeast of Wimbledon Bismarck Airport – 130 miles southwest of Wimbledon

Dining in Wimbledon:

Wimbledon Community Cafe is open Monday through Friday (Hours: 11:30 - 1:00 pm).

The café features fried meals and specials!

Café is located in the Wimbledon Community Grocery Store. 401 Center St, Wimbledon, ND 58492. Phone:(701) 435-2464

Where to Stay While Visiting Wimbledon:

North Dakota tourism website: